Friday, July 29, 2011

Random drunk post

After a couple shots of store brand rum, and a glass of Andres, my roommate and I have come up with a brilliant idea. I don't want to say too much too soon, but I think we may just become millionaires by the age of 30...ok maybe that's the liquor speaking. Anyway, things are well on the home front, and though I have not posted since my initial foray into the blogosphere, I do have many interesting things to say...It's just that the booze has made all the characters sort of meld into one giant blur, and let's face it, spellcheck doesn't catch everything. In the spirit of safe blogging I will leave you here...oh and here's a completely gratuitous picture of my recent Newport Beach adventure...tales of debauchery to follow shortly.
As Always, Stay Salty

Monday, July 11, 2011

My First Post: An Introduction to My Life

Hellooo Internet nerds, trolls and pervs! Welcome to my humble little piece of cyberspace. Here is where I shall introduce myself and give qualifications as to why I am fit to share my infinite wisdom through the written word with anyone who may stumble upon this place. I am a 24 year old college student attending Cal State University, Los Angeles. After trialing and erroring a few other college campuses, I have finally landed in the City of Angels to complete my long awaited bachelors degree in Film and Television. Now is the time when I admit that my frivolous dream in life is to be a screenwriter. Why, you might ask, do I have such lofty ambitions? Well the answer is admittedly kind of douchey, but here goes...I think I'm funny...and clever...and smart? Now is the time when we take an awkward pause while I contemplate deleting that last sentence.
"They" say the best way to start writing is to write about what you know. I can't say I know too much about anything in particular, especially who "They" are, but my life is at times a cluster fuck of awkward, weird and somewhat interesting moments, and I figured I could write about those things. I am also, in theory, in the process of gleaning a higher education, so I suppose at times I may even have an actual piece of knowledge to share.
Which brings us to the focus of this blog. I suppose I should explain the title first. Well to restate the obvious, this blog is about my life and I live in the city of Los Angeles ( my neighborhood is another post for another day). Salty. I love this adjective. Those of you familiar with the tragically underrated movie, Jennifer's Body, will recognize the term. The screenplay was written by total bad ass Diablo Cody, who also got her start as a writer blogging.Epic...

So we'll see how this thing goes. I have never been known to be very successful at keeping up a diary or journal of any sorts, and this blog may very well be abandoned in a few weeks.
Only time will tell..
Until next time, T