Monday, June 24, 2013

Male Species Rant

                Why are Men so ridiculous? Allow me to rephrase that… why are BOYS so ridiculous? A Man knows how to treat a woman with respect; a boy chooses to hide like a coward when shit gets real. Maybe it’s Los Angeles, but the dudes here suck!

First of all, what ever happened to taking a girl out on a real date? Inviting a chick over to your apartment at 11 pm does not constitute dating Fellas… And furthermore, if you have the balls to ask a girl to come over that late, and she does, for heaven’s sake ask her to spend the night. Even a booty call should be treated with some respect, after all aren’t they doing your lazy ass a favor? I once had a guy ask me over at 2 am, and then follow up with informing me that I can’t stay too late because he’s tired. I don’t even know how to adequately express how rude and absurd that is. There is a reason you pay prostitutes, if you don’t want a woman to stay over, then by all means, hand her a hundo and call it a night. Otherwise, man up and show some appreciation for a woman giving you her time, energy, and body. Cuddle her and treat her right. Maybe you don’t want to date her, but if that’s the case, be up front and let her know before you sleep with her. Let her decide if she wants to be in a non-committal situation with you before you literally just fuck her over.

So you’ve started seeing a guy, and everything seems to be going great. You’re getting to know each other, discovering that you have all these things in common. You’re happy; it’s starting to feel like maybe this time things just might work out… and then Bam. Out of nowhere it all changes. Maybe it takes him a couple days of gradually paying less attention to you, or hell it happens at once… he just stops talking to you, completely and finally and without any warning. After a couple days of radio silence, and if you’re clueless like me, way too many unanswered text messages, the realization hits you… once again you have been dropped like a hot potato. Why do men think this is an acceptable way to end things with someone? This is mental torture for a woman! All we can think about is what the hell went wrong… was it me? Was I too this, or not enough that? If the truth is that we didn’t do anything, you’re just not into it any more, then say something. Have enough respect for the person who is trying to talk to you, to let them know it’s over, and offer some sort of explanation, even if it’s a lie. If you had the cajones to ask them out in the first place, then you need to muster up the courage to break things off in a mature way, period.

It’s simple really, be a freaking Man. Treat a woman with respect. Ask her on a date, and don’t treat her like a cheap hooker if she agrees to sleep with you. Be honest with your intentions and motives. If things just aren’t working out, for whatever reason, then grow a pair and let her know, don’t just leave her hanging in case you change your damn mind in a week. If you can’t be bothered to end things in a classy, respectful way, then don’t start them up in the first place!